tag8 is in the business of helping you find what matters. In order to give you the best experience, we use advertising technologies like pixels to help deliver relevant messages to you about our products and services, as well as to help us measure the effectiveness of those messages. In some instances, our advertising partners may glean information about things like your visit to our website and/or purchases you’ve made. Under California law, this is included in the definition of “sale” and thus triggers the requirement for this “do not sell” disclosure.

You can opt-out of sharing this information by toggling the tracking cookies below. If you are a tag8 customer and want to opt-out of all targeted advertising, please send an email to support@tag8.co. Please note that cookie settings are device and browser-specific, you will need to toggle the cookie settings on all of your devices and browsers. If you opt-out, note that you may still see ads, but they won’t be tailored to your interests.